
Flight free information

皆様, フライトシミュレータの空の自由を守るために守っていただきたいことがいくつかあります。

There is to want to do some keeping for everybody's to keep the Flight liberty of the flight simulator.


  1. フライトシミュレータの著作権はマイクロソフト社に帰属します.また、機体や他のシーナリの著作権はその作者にそれぞれ帰属します(詳しくは各シーナリダウンロードページに記載してあります)。
    The copyright of the flight simulator belongs to the Microsoft Inc. and of belonging. again, the copyright of the fuselage and the other scenery belongs to the author respectively (Specified in each scenery download page for details of it).
  2. 当ホームページにあるシーナリ等の各企業のロゴの著作権・意匠権は各企業に帰属します.また当該企業とは無関係ですので,企業の名前をかたっての申し立てはお断りいたします
    .The copyrights and the design right of the logo of each company such as the scenery which is in this Website belong to each company. Also, because it is unrelated to the concerned company, we refuse the representation to tell the name of the company.
  3. 当シーナリには、各種建造物が入っていますが,その建造物のデザイン等は当該建造物とは無関係です
    .A various building is included in this scenery but the design at the building and so on are unrelated to the concerned building.
  4. それでも企業から申し立てがあった場合,もしくは他のシーナリでロゴの削除等があった場合は、直ちにロゴなしバージョンを配布しますので、該当シーナリのファイルは直ちに破棄し,新しいバージョンに入れ替えてください.建造物の場合も同様です.
    However, because it distributes a logo prosecution version at once when there there is a representation from the company or there there are deletion of the logo and so on in the other scenery, it cancels the file of the corresponding scenery at once and you replace it to the new version. It is same in case of the building, too.

  5. 閲覧者は以下のホームページでファイルの有無・更新情報などをチェックしてください.
    The reader checks the file existence or non-existence and update information and so on in the following


About American Airlines Inc.'s logo use
* There was meaning that the company machine making public as the individual became possible by obtaining a permit this time by the free scenery site unit. There is a site which is obtaining a permit, too, immediately.

It returns to Website.