FOR FLIGHT SIMULATOR USE ONLY. NOT FOR USE IN REAL AVIATION. Level-D Simulations 767-300...........Page 102

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PERF INITページに入力されたデータが、FMCによって航空機の垂直方向の性能計算に使用されます。

トップ・オブ・クライム(T/C)以前は、VNAVキーを押すとVNAV CLBページが表示されます。
T/Cとトップ・オブ・ディセント(T/D)の間はVNAVキーを押すとVNAV CRZページが表示されます。
T/Dを過ぎてVNAVキーを押すと、VNAV DESページが表示されます。

VNAVがアクティブなAFDSモードのときは、EADI上にVNAV SPDか、VNAV PTHと表示されます。
VNAV SPDモードとは、航空機の対気速度が航空機のピッチで維持されていることを示します。
VNAV PTHモードは航空機の対気速度がスラストで維持されることを示します。


VNAV CLBページとLEGSページに入力されたデータに基づき、FMCはVNAV上昇プロファイルを形成します。
離陸後にVNAV MCPボタンを押すことでVNAVがエンゲージされます。
FMCはTAKEOFF REFFページでプログラムされた加速高度(初期値は1000ft)に達するまで、離陸速度を維持します。
経済上昇速度は、PERF INITページで入力されたコストインデックスに基づきます。

全てのVNAV上昇はVNAV SPDモードで実行されます。FMCはTRPが決める利用可能な最大の出力での対気速度を指示します。

上昇中の中間でレベルオフすることは二通りの方法で発生します:LEGSページのSIDの一部分である高度制限に達するか、FMC巡航高度よりも低くセットされたAFDS MCP ALTに達するかです。
LEGSページの高度制限に遭遇した場合、レベルオフの為に、VNAV PTHモードがエンゲージされます。
次にVNAV SPDモードで上昇を継続し、FMC巡航高度に向かいます。
FMC巡航高度よりも低くセットされたMCP ALTに達した場合、AFDS ALT HOLDモードがエンゲージされ、速度コントロールはMCPに戻されます。
VNAV上昇を継続するためには、MCP ALTをより高い高度に再度設定し、VNAV MCPボタンを押してVNAVを再度エンゲージしなければなりません。

上昇中に一時的な速度の変更が必要となった場合は、AFDS MCP上にある"スピード・インターベンション"モードを使用します。

T/Cに達すると航空機はVNAV PTHモードでレベルオフし、VNAV巡航ページがアクティブなVNAVページとなります。


航空機がFMCのプログラムされたクルーズ高度でレベルオフするとき、VNAV PTHモードがエンゲージされ、VNAV操作のコントロールは自動的に切り替わります。
When the FMC cruise altitude matches the AFDS MCP ALT, VNAV PTH mode takes priority.

This is the reason that ALT HOLD mode does not engage in this situation.

The default cruise airspeed set by the FMC is the economy airspeed based on the cost index entered on the PERF INIT page.

The cruise speed can be changed by manually entering a new airspeed in the cruise page, or by selecting long range cruise via the "LRP>" prompt on the cruise page.

Temporary airspeed changes can be handled using speed intervention mode as described previously.

Once the VNAV cruise altitude is reached, altitude changes during the cruise segment of the flight are handled in cruise climb or descent mode.

This mode is entered when a new cruise altitude is entered in the FMC and the AFDS MCP ALT is set to match.

The aircraft climbs or descends to the newly selected altitude using VNAV SPD mode.

When the MCP ALT is initially set to a different altitude, the AFDS remains in the VNAV PTH mode until the FMC cruise altitude is set to match.

Also, if the FMC cruise altitude is set to a different value and the MCP ALT remains the same, the aircraft remains level in VNAV PTH until the MCP ALT is set to match.

Temporary airspeed changes needed during the cruise can be handled using the "speed intervention" mode on the AFDS MCP.

Pressing the airspeed select knob opens up the airspeed window on the MCP.

The VNAV cruise airspeed is now set by the MCP value.

Pressing the airspeed select knob a second time cancels speed intervention mode and transfers speed control back to the FMC.

The cruise phase continues until reaching the top-of-descent (T/D) point.

This point denotes when a descent for approach and landing begins.

The T/D is calculated by the FMC based on arrival waypoint altitude constraints set on the LEGS page.

A "T/D" symbol is shown along the active route to denote the predicted top-of-descent point.

When the T/D is reached, the VNAV DES page becomes the active VNAV page.


The initial VNAV descent path is calculated from the T/D to the first waypoint altitude constraint on the LEGS page.

The initial path is calculated for IDLE thrust using the airspeed set in the VNAV DES page.

All subsequent descents are calculated as straight line descents between LEGS page altitude constraints at the selected speed and required thrust.

The descent is accomplished in VNAV PTH mode.

In order for the aircraft to begin an automatic descent upon reaching the T/D, the MCP ALT must be set to a lower altitude.

If the aircraft reaches the T/D and the altitude has not been reset, the AFDS enters ALT HOLD mode.

To restore VNAV control over the descent, a lower altitude must be selected on the MCP and the AFDS VNAV button must be pressed.

The default descent airspeed set by the FMC is the economy airspeed based on the cost index entered on the PERF INIT page.

The descent airspeed can be changed by manually entering a new airspeed on the descent page.

The descent speed is also changed by setting waypoint airspeed constraints on the LEGS page.

When a waypoint is encountered that has an airspeed constraint, the DES page airspeed is changed to this new value.

Temporary airspeed changes can be handled using speed intervention mode as described previously.

A descent in speed intervention mode changes the active VNAV mode from VNAV PTH to VNAV SPD.

The descent to the first altitude restriction is accomplished at idle thrust.

When the throttle reaches idle during descent, the A/T enters THR HOLD mode.

Descent airspeed is monitored by the FMC to maintain +/- 15 knots of the commanded airspeed while on the descent path.

If the airspeed exceeds the set speed by more than 15 knots, a "DRAG REQUIRED" message is generated in the FMC scratchpad.

This indicates that speed brakes are required to slow the aircraft down.

If the airspeed is below the set speed by more than 15 knots, the A/T re-engages in the SPD mode to add power.

Intermediate level offs during descent can occur in two ways: reaching a LEGS page altitude constraint on a STAR/Approach, or encountering an AFDS MCP ALT set higher than the FMC altitude constraints.

When a LEGS page altitude constraint is encountered that requires a level off, the VNAV PTH mode remains engaged for the level off.

The aircraft remains level until reaching the last waypoint having the same altitude restriction, at which point the VNAV PTH descent continues to the next altitude constraint.

If the MCP ALT is set higher than the altitude constraints in the LEGS page, the AFDS enters ALT HOLD mode when the MCP altitude is reached.

To continue a VNAV descent, the MCP ALT must be reset to a lower value and the AFDS VNAV button must be pressed.

After the T/D is reached, the EHSI displays a Vertical Track Indicator (VTI) on the right side of the display.

The VTI pointer indicates if the aircraft is high or low on the VNAV descent path.

The pointers range is +/- 400 feet.

Progress page 2 also has a VTK ERROR line that displays the exact vertical track error in feet.

Temporary airspeed changes needed during the descent can be handled using the "speed intervention" mode on the AFDS MCP.

Pressing the airspeed select knob opens up the airspeed window on the MCP.

The VNAV descent airspeed is now set by the MCP value.

Pressing the airspeed select knob a second time cancels speed intervention mode and transfers speed control back to the FMC.

The descent phase continues until reaching the end of descent at the destination airport.

The end of descent is normally the runway selected for approach.

If a runway is not selected, the E/D is the last waypoint on the LEGS page that has an altitude constraint.


Pressing the VNAV function key on the FMC CDU displays the active VNAV page.

The available pages are climb (CLB), cruise (CRZ) and descent (DES).

The page displayed when the VNAV function key is pressed is dependant on the phase of flight.

All three pages may be viewed at any time by using the NEXT and PREV PAGE function keys.


The VNAV CLB page is primarily used during the climb segment to control airspeed when VNAV is in use.

The title of the VNAV CLB page indicates if the data displayed is active (ACT) or modified (MOD).

Additionally, if the AFDS is in speed intervention mode, the title changes to "MCP SPD CLB" to indicate that speed is controlled via the MCP.

All modifications to CLB page data require execution with the EXEC function key prior to becoming active.

When modifications are made, an "<ERASE" prompt appears at the 6L LSK.

Pressing the 6L LSK prior to executing the changes erases all changed data and restores the display of active data.

For VNAV to function, a CRZ ALT is required.

All other data boxes are either optional or display default FMC data.

1- Cruise Altitude: The cruise altitude entered on the PERF INIT page is displayed here.

To change the target cruise altitude, enter an altitude into the scratchpad followed by pressing the 1L LSK.

Valid entries for altitude are XXX, XXXX, XXXXX, and FLXXX.

The altitude is displayed in feet when below the TRANS ALT and as flight levels when above.

Changes to the cruise altitude on this page are carried over to all other pages that display CRZ ALT.

2- Speed Display: Displays the current target climb airspeed/Mach.

ECON SPD is displayed when economy speed is in use.

SEL SPD is dispayed when a speed is manually entered.

To change the current climb speed, type an IAS or MACH speed into the scratchpad and press the 2L LSK.

If the entry of both speeds is desired, the format is xxx/.XXX, where xxx is IAS and .XXX is MACH.

The FMC commanded airspeed is IAS until the MACH value is reached.

To restore ECON speed when SEL SPD is displayed, press the DEL data entry key followed by the 2L LSK.

If speed intervention mode is in use, the title page changes to "MCP SPD CLB". In this mode, airspeed is controlled via the MCP and cannot be controlled on the VNAV CLB page.

3- Speed Transition: Displays the FMC transition airspeed and altitude.

The FMC target climb airspeed is limited to the value displayed until reaching the altitude displayed.

The airspeed limit is removed as the aircraft climbs through the altitude displayed.

The default value is 250 knots until reaching 10,000 feet.

This entry may be changed or deleted manually.

To change the entry, type xxx/XXXXX (xxx=airspeed, XXXXX=altitude) into the scratchpad and press the 3L LSK.

To delete the entry, press the DEL data entry key followed by the 3L LSK.

4- Speed Restriction: This is an optional field for the entry of an additional FMC climb speed restriction to altitude.

To make an entry, type xxx/XXXXX (xxx=airspeed, XXXXX=altitude) and press the 4L LSK.

When an entry is made, the FMC target airspeed is limited to the value displayed until reaching the altitude displayed.

To delete the speed restriction, press the DEL data entry key followed by the 3L LSK.

5- Waypoint Altitude Constraint: Displays the next waypoint altitude constraint entered into the LEGS page.

If no altitude constraints are entered into the LEGS page, this field is blank.

When VNAV is engaged, the FMC commanded airspeed and altitude are constrained to the values entered on the LEGS page until reaching the displayed waypoint (AT XXXXX).

Consider the following example of how VNAV climb is managed with waypoint constraints.

Airspeed and altitude climb constraints are entered onto the LEGS page in the right column of the waypoint data line.

Data displayed in small type are speed and altitude predictions based on performance.

Data displayed in large type are speed and altitude constraints.

The constraints are entered manually or by procedure.

See the LEGS Page section of this manual for an explanation of how to enter manual speed and altitude constraints.

The example LEGS page shows that a speed and altitude constraint of 210/7000B has been entered at the BAKRR waypoint.

The FMC restricts the commanded VNAV speed to 210 knots until BAKRR (notice that the airspeed prediction for WASTE is 210).

The FMC also restricts the VNAV climb to cross BAKRR at or below 7000 feet.

After passing BAKRR, the VNAV CLB page changes to "AT MINEY" and "8000" since the MINEY waypoint has an altitude constraint of 8000 feet.

The MINEY waypoint is not speed restricted since the airspeed is displayed as 250 in small type.

Therefore, after passing the BAKRR waypoint, VNAV continues a climb to 8000 feet at 250 knots.

After passing MINEY, The VNAV CLB page changes to "AT BOACH" and "13000" since the BOACH waypoint has an altitude constraint of 13000 feet or above.

The BOACH waypoint is not speed restricted since the speed is displayed in small type.

Notice that the speed prediction is now 326 since the FMC airspeed in this example is no longer restricted to 250/10000 (the entry in the SPD TRANS data line on the VNAV CLB page).

Keep in mind that for a VNAV climb to continue at each waypoint, the MCP ALT must be set to a higher altitude than that listed for a LEGS page constraint.

If the MCP ALT is reached prior to a LEGS page constraint, the AFDS levels off in ALT HOLD mode.

In this case, the MCP must be reset to a higher altitude and VNAV reselected on the MCP for a VNAV climb to continue.

6- Transition Altitude: Displays the altitude above which the FMC begins to list altitudes as flight levels.

This value may be manually changed by typing an altitude into the scratchpad followed by pressing the 3R LSK.

7- Maximum Angle Speed: Displays the maximum angle of climb speed based on performance calculations.

This speed is for reference only and cannot be changed.

8- Engine Out Speed Prompt: When pressed, changes the page to display engine out data.

9- Climb Direct Prompt: When pressed, removes all speed and altitude climb constraints entered into the LEGS page.

If VNAV is in use, the FMC continues to climb until reaching the CRZ ALT or the MCP ALT, whichever is lower.


The VNAV CRZ page is used to control airspeed and altitude while in the cruise phase with VNAV engaged.

All airspeed and altitude changes are made from this page only.

Cruise speed and altitude changes are never made via the LEGS pages.

The title of the VNAV CRZ page indicates if the data displayed is active (ACT) or modified (MOD).

The title page changes to indicate the cruise speed selected as follows:

All modifications to CRZ page data require execution with the EXEC function key prior to becoming active.

When modifications are made, an "<ERASE" prompt appears at the 6L LSK.

Pressing the 6L LSK prior to executing the changes erases all changed data and restores the display of active data.

1- Cruise Altitude: The cruise altitude entered on the PERF INIT page is displayed here.

To change the cruise altitude, enter an altitude into the scratchpad followed by pressing the 1L LSK.

Valid entries for altitude are XXX, XXXX, XXXXX, and FLXXX.

The altitude is displayed in feet when below the TRANS ALT and as flight levels when above.

Changes to the cruise altitude on this page are carried over to all other pages that display CRZ ALT.

After reaching the cruise altitude in VNAV, all enroute changes in altitude prior to the T/D are initiated by changing the cruise altitude on the CRZ page.

Type the new cruise altitude into the scratchpad and press the 1L LSK to change the CRZ ALT.

Then, select the new target altitude on the AFDS MCP.

This initiates a VNAV cruise climb or descent to the new altitude.

If both altitudes (FMC and MCP) are not changed, VNAV continues in cruise at the previously programmed altitude.

2- Speed Display: Displays the current target cruise speed.

ECON SPD is displayed when economy speed is in use.

SEL SPD is displayed when a speed is manually entered.

LRC SPD is displayed when long range cruise is selected.

E/O SPD is displayed when the engine out speed is selected.

To change the current cruise speed, type an IAS or MACH speed into the scratchpad and press the 2L LSK.

The format is XXX for IAS and .XXX for MACH.

To restore ECON speed when SEL SPD is displayed, press the "<ECON" prompt at the 5L LSK.

If speed intervention mode is in use, the title page changes to "MCP SPD CRZ". In this mode, airspeed is controlled via the MCP and cannot be controlled on the VNAV CRZ page.

3- Optimum and Maximum Altitudes: Displays the optimum and maximum cruise altitudes for the aircrafts current gross weight based on FMC performance data.

4- Step Size: Displays the step climb value used for VNAV STEP TO performance calculations.

ICAO is the standard value and indicates a step climb size of 2000 feet below FL290 and 4000 feet above FL290.

Valid entries range from 0 to 9000 in 1000 foot increments.

When "0" is entered, all VNAV predictions are based on a constant cruise altitude.

5- ECON Prompt: Press the 5L LSK to change the speed display to economy speed.

6- Step Data: The STEP TO field displays the recommended step climb altitude based on the step size.

The AT field displays the point at which a step climb is recommended.

In this example, a step climb is not recommended until 1397 miles which is predicted to occur at 2154Z time.

7- Engine Out Prompt: Press the 5R LSK to select the engine out speed.

8- Long Range Cruise Prompt: Press the 6R LSK to select the long range cruise speed.


The VNAV DES page is used to make modifications to the descent path.

This page is primarily used to make VNAV descent airspeed modifications.

The title of the VNAV DES page indicates if the data displayed is active (ACT) or modified (MOD).

Additionally, if the AFDS is in speed intervention mode, the title changes to "MCP SPD DES" to indicate that speed is controlled via the MCP.

If a specific descent airspeed or Mach has been entered, the page title changes to reflect the manually entered speed.

All modifications to DES page data require execution with the EXEC function key prior to becoming active.

When modifications are made, an "<ERASE" prompt appears at the 6L LSK.

Pressing the 6L LSK prior to executing the changes erases all changed data and restores the display of active data.

1- End of Descent Waypoint: Displays the name of the waypoint in the LEGS page with the lowest altitude constraint.

This field is blank if no altitude constraints have been entered on the LEGS page.

2- Speed Display: Displays the current target descent airspeed/Mach.

This airspeed is used to calculate the VNAV descent path.

This speed is commanded by the FMC during the descent until a lower speed is encountered as part of a LEGS page constraint.

ECON SPD is displayed when economy speed is in use.

SEL SPD is displayed when a speed is manually entered.

To change the current descent speed, type an IAS or MACH speed into the scratchpad and press the 2L LSK.

If the entry of both speeds is desired, the format is .XXX/xxx, where XXX is MACH and xxx is IAS.

The FMC commanded descent airspeed is MACH until the IAS value is reached.

To restore ECON speed when SEL SPD is displayed, press the DEL data entry key followed by the 2L LSK.

If speed intervention mode is in use, the title page changes to "MCP SPD DES". In this mode, airspeed is controlled via the MCP and cannot be controlled on the VNAV DES page.

3- Speed Transition: Displays the FMC transition airspeed and altitude.

The FMC target descent airspeed is limited to the value displayed at or below the altitude displayed.

The default value is 240 knots at or below 10,000 feet.

This entry may be changed or deleted manually.

To change the entry, type xxx/XXXXX (xxx=airspeed, XXXXX=altitude) into the scratchpad and press the 3L LSK.

To delete the entry, press the DEL data entry key followed by the 3L LSK.

4- Speed Restriction: This is an optional field for the entry of an additional FMC descent speed restriction below an altitude.

To make an entry, type xxx/XXXXX (xxx=airspeed, XXXXX=altitude) and press the 4L LSK.

When an entry is made, the FMC target airspeed is limited to the value displayed at or below the altitude displayed.

To delete the speed restriction, press the DEL data entry key followed by the 3L LSK.

5- Waypoint Altitude Constraint: Displays the next waypoint altitude constraint entered into the LEGS page.

If no altitude constraints are entered into the LEGS page, this field is blank.

When VNAV is engaged, the FMC commanded airspeed and altitude are constrained to the values entered on the LEGS page until reaching the displayed waypoint (AT XXXXX).

Consider the following example of how a VNAV descent path is calculated with waypoint constraints.

Airspeed and altitude descent constraints are entered onto the LEGS page in the right column of the waypoint data line.

Data displayed in small type are speed and altitude predictions based on performance.

Data displayed in large type are speed and altitude constraints.

The constraints are entered manually or by procedure.

The example LEGS page shows an altitude constraint of 17000 feet at CIVET.

The T/D point and VNAV idle descent path are calculated based on this first waypoint constraint.

Since a speed has not been specified at CIVET, the FMC target airspeed from the VNAV DES page is shown as 300 in small type.

After passing CIVET, the VNAV DES page changes to "AT ARNES" and "12000" since ARNES contains the next descent constraint of 280/12000.

A VNAV path is calculated for a straight descent between CIVET (at 17000 feet) and ARNES (at 12000 feet), such that ARNES is crossed at 280 knots.

Since no constraint has been entered for BREMR, the data displayed is prediction data based on the calculated VNAV path between CIVET and ARNES.

After passing ARNES, the VNAV DES page changes to "AT SUZZI" and "9000.

A VNAV path is calculated for a straight descent between ARNES (at 12000) and SUZZI (at 9000).

The SPEED TRANS of 240/10000 comes into play between these two waypoints since the FMC is predicting an airspeed of 240 at SUZZI.

Keep in mind that for a VNAV DES to continue at each waypoint, the MCP ALT must be set to a lower altitude than that listed for a LEGS page constraint.

If the MCP ALT is reached prior to a LEGS page constraint, the AFDS levels off in ALT HOLD mode.

In this case, the MCP must be reset to a lower altitude and VNAV reselected on the MCP for a VNAV descent to continue.

6- Descend Now Prompt: This prompt displays before the T/D is reached.

When pressed, begins a descent of 1250 fpm until reaching the calculated VNAV path.

For the descent to commence, the AFDS MCP altitude must be set to a lower value.

The AFDS levels off at the higher of the MCP altitude or the next FMC waypoint constraint.

7- Descend Direct Prompt: This prompt displays after the T/D is reached.

When pressed, deletes all waypoint altitude constraints on the LEGS page between the current aircraft altitude and the MCP altitude.

FMCルートデータの保存 (RTE(ルート), SID, STAR, APP)

ウエイポイントは、後でルートとして使われるために保存されていたり、あるいはDEP/ARRデータベースプロシージャ(SID, STAR, もしくは アプローチ)の一部として保存されています。
MENUファンクションキーを押すと、5R LSKの場所に"SAVE ROUTE>"プロンプトがメニューに表示されます。

5R LSKを押すと、SAVE ROUTEメニューが表示されます。
SAVE ROUTEメニューには、LEGSページのデータをどのように保存するかを分類するための選択肢を表示する、2つのページがあります。
ページを切り替えるためには、NEXTやPREV PAGEファンクションキーを使います。

1- ルート1の保存 : RTE1からRTEページのデータやウェイポイントをフライトプランとして保存するためには、1L LSKを押します。
LSKが押されると、フライトプラン名を入力するため5L LSKにデータラインが表示されます。

フライトプランの名前をスクラッチパッドに入力し、5L LSKを押します。
10文字以上を入力すると、スクラッチパッドに"INVALID ENTRY"メッセージが表示されます。
入力後、フライトプランを保存するために6L LSKの"<SAVE TO DISK"プロンプトを押します。

保存したフライトプランを再読み込みするためには、RTEページにあるCO ROUTEデータフィールドにフライトプラン名を入力します。

2- ルート2の保存 :RTE2からRTEページのデータやウェイポイントをフライトプランとして保存するためには、2L LSKを押します。

3- LEGSをSIDとして保存 : アクティブなLEGSページにリストされているウェイポイントを、RTEページに表示されている出発空港のSIDプロシージャとして保存するためには、3L LSKを押します。

スクラッチパッドにSIDの希望する名称を入力し、6L LSKを押します。
SIDを保存するため6R LSKの"SAVE TO DISK>"プロンプトを押します。

4- LEGSをSTARあるいはアプローチとして保存 : アクティブなLEGSページにリストされているウェイポイントを、RTEページに表示されている到着空港のSTARあるいはアプローチプロシージャとして保存するためには、4L LSKを押します。

4L LSKを押し、到着滑走路がアクティブなルートに含まれていない場合、ウェイポイントはSTARとして保存されます。
次のデータラインが、5L LSKに表示されます :

スクラッチパッドにSTARの名前を入力し、5L LSKを押します。
STARを保存するため、6L LSKの"<SAVE TO DISK"プロンプトを押してください。

4L LSKを押し、到着滑走路が有効なルートのウェイポイントとして表示されるとき、ウェイポイントはアプローチとして保存されます。
次のようなデータラインが、5L LSKに表示されます :

スクラッチパッドにアプローチの名前を入力し、5L LSKを押します。
アプローチを保存するために、6L LSKの"<SAVE TO DISK"プロンプトを押します。

5- SIDトランジションの保存 : 有効なLEGSページにリストされているウェイポイントをSIDトランジションとして保存するためには、1L LSKを押します。

スクラッチパッドにSIDトランジションの名前を入力し、6L LSKを押します。
選択したSIDのSIDトランジションを保存するため、6R LSKの"SAVE TO DISK>"プロンプトを押します。

6- STARトランジションの保存 : 有効なLEGSページにリストされているウェイポイントをSTARトランジションとして保存するためには、2L LSKを押します。

スクラッチパッドにSTARトランジションの名前を入力し、6L LSKを押します。
選択したSTARのSTARトランジションを保存するため、6L LSKの"SAVE TO DISK>"プロンプトを押します。

7- アプローチトランジションの保存 : 有効なLEGSページに表示されているウェイポイントをアプローチトランジションとして保存するためには、3L LSKを押します。

スクラッチパッドにアプローチトランジションの名前を入力し、6L LSKを押します。
選択したアプローチのアプローチトランジションを保存するため、6L LSKの"SAVE TO DISK>"プロンプトを押します。

8- 滑走路特定のSIDレグの保存 : いくつかのSIDには、メインSIDウェイポイントより前に、滑走路特定のトランジションウェイポイントをもつ場合があります。

一度、滑走路特定トランジションウェイポイントをアクティブなLEGSページに入力し、SID名を選択するサブメニューを表示するため、4L LSKを押します。(先の#5で示された手順)
選択したSIDのための滑走路トランジションを保存するため、6R LSKの"SAVE TO DISK>"プロンプトを押します。

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